Amadou I.
27 Giugno 2017
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John W.
14 Giugno 2017
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Anatoly L.
12 Giugno 2017
The topic chosen for the session was ‘The Louvre Museum. I visited this museum once and Avaani asked me to tell her about this event. We used a feature of google map - "street views" and I pretended to be a guide in this virtual journey. I described that day in Paris very precisely (it was rainy day, we went out from metro station, we stayed in the line, after that bought tickets and went into the palace, we took a photo of Mona Lisa paintings etc ...). I felt such as I visited Paris again! It was very exciting, Avaani endorsed me for speaking as much as possible, corrected a few mistakes in my speech, which made this lesson very interesting and useful!
Verónica S.
02 Maggio 2017
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Marcel A.
29 Aprile 2017
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