Anatoly L.
25 April 2017
We had a free discussion about the short story "The Judgment" by Franz Kafka. It is not easy to interpret of Kafka's works but it made a discussion even more challenging and interesting.
Saholy R.
20 April 2017
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Céline B.
18 April 2017
Great session! We talked about the legends of our childhood (Sandman, tooth fairy...)
Céline B.
04 April 2017
As always, it is a great pleasure to have an English session with Varvara! :)
Anatoly L.
04 April 2017
The topic for the discussion was the short story "Hills like elephants" written by Ernest Hemingway. The author used for this story "Iceberg theory's style" when only the tip of the iceberg (1/8) should be showed in fiction - reader will see only what is above the water—but the knowledge that the writer has about the character that never makes it into the story acts as the bulk of the iceberg. And that is what gives the story weight and gravitas. Very interesting class!
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