Program English : Level C1
This Advanced English C1 course program enables you to use the language effectively and flexibly in your social, professional and academic life. The objective is to be able to express oneself on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner and to demonstrate control of the language tools through a variety of subjects such as human resources, careers, technology, international business, etc.
Module 1- Human Resources

Origin of Human Resource
As we know, the Human Resources Department is a very important part of a business organization. In this English lesson we are going to have a look at the creation of this department during war and how It has evolved into what is now.

Human Resources and It’s Functions
Part of the importance of the Human Resources department lies in their responsibilities. In this English lesson we will learn about those responsibilities and how they can differ depending on different variables like: the size of the company or the total...

When you are new to a company, it is always good to look for a mentor. In this English lesson, we are going to learn about the important role of a mentor in a company, as well as the responsibilities of a mentee. Also, we are going to discuss negative...

Outsourcing Human Resource Functions
Many are the responsibilities of the Human Resources Department. In this English lesson, we are going to concentrate on knowing the major responsibilities as well as functions that the HR Department has towards an organization and the employee. As well, we...

How Human Resources Work In Your Organization
Have you ever wondered what is Human Resources? In this English lesson, we are going to learn the objective of this department and its importance in a business structure. Also, you will learn how to handle specific situations, how to work together and the...

Exercise 1
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 1 of Module 1. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Virtual Human Resources - HRIS, E-Recruiting
With technology reaching every corner of the world, Human Resources is meeting a new tool. In this English lesson, we are going to learn the importance of technology in recruitment, as well as its benefits and disadvantages in our modern era.

Human Resources in Media
There has been many movies and TV shows portraying the Human Resources Department as a negative influence. In this English lesson, we are going to clarify why this department behaves like that in the media, as well as how this has affected its perception from...

Human Resource Letters - Part l
In this English lesson you are going to learn about Human Resource letters also called as employment letters. and why they are so important. You will learn about different types of HR letters, namely joining letter, reference letter and confirmation letter...

Human Resource Letters-Part ll
In this English lesson you are going to learn about Human Resource letters also called employment letters. and why they are so important. You will learn about different types of HR letters, namely promotion letter, increment letter and no-increment letter...

Leadership and Human Resources
A leader, an important person to follow, not only in our work environment but also in our lives. In this English lesson, we are going to learn the importance of being a leader, how it can affect the human resources department and what we can do to select the...

People's Perception Of Human Resources
Is it a friend or a foe? In this English lesson, we are going to focus on defining the different perspectives that exist with each type of individual towards the Human Resources Department and how that perception might affect our working conditions.

Exercise 2
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 2 of Module 1. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Human Resources, Then and Now
Since the creation of the Human Resources Department, there have been many external factors that have caused changes in this department. In this English lesson, we are going to have a look at what changes has gone through in history and how it has evolved...

Competency Mapping
We all know how important is to plan many of our projects, but sometimes we forget about the planning of our ideal candidate. In this English lesson, we are going to learn the definition of competency mapping and how it can help us when recruiting personnel.

Conflict Management
A very normal situation is when we discuss something with another colleague, however, sometimes we tend to convert that discussion into a conflict. In this English lesson, we are going to have a look at the steps of fixing a conflict and how this can help us...

Human Resource Letters - 3
In this English lesson, we are going to have a look at the definition of Human Resources letters and why they are so important. Also, we are going to learn how to write each letter depending on a specific situation. Furthermore, we will learn why is very...

Human Resource Letters - 4
In this English lesson, we are going to have a look at the definition of Human Resources letters and why they are so important. Also, we are going to learn how to write each letter depending on a specific situation. Furthermore, we will learn why it is very...

Human Resources – The Employees' Version Of The Principal’s Office
If you have a problem, go to the Human Resources Department, they are always here to help. But is that true? In this English lesson, we are going to learn what this department does when protecting an employee and how it handles a conflict that might affect...

Exercise 3
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 3 of Module 1. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...
Module 2 (On The Job)

Best Companies To Work For
Thanks to the internet we can say that there are many options of companies that we can work for. In this English lesson, we are going to learn what are the best companies to work for, their perks and why it is important to work for a company that cares about...

Holidays or some time off, the idea of travelling to places. In this English lesson, we are going to have a look at the definition of sabbatical, its importance and why it is necessary to take some time off from work.

Punctuations-Part II
How is your grammar? In this English lesson, we are going to practice some punctuation marks that are essential to learning in order to improve our writing and the importance of using them in a text.

Job Stressors
Stress. One of the most popular sicknesses in the world. It follows us wherever we go and it seems that we cannot get away from it. In this English lesson, we are going to learn what are the main causes of stress and how we can fight it so it doesn’t affect...

Office Romance
Love can pop up in the most unexpected place. In this English lesson, we are going to learn why (usually) it is not a good idea to have an office romance, the advantages and disadvantages and also how to deal with this very special situation.

Exercise 4
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 1 of Module 2. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Dealing with Annoying Co-Workers-Part I
Sometimes we meet a new colleague at work, sometimes it is a good experience, some other times might not be. In this English lesson, we are going to learn how to cope with different types of colleagues, learn their behaviours and understand how to handle each...

Dealing with Annoying Co-Workers-Part II
This topic will cover : Types of Annoying Co-Workers, Tips on How Handle Each One of Them and Exercises.

Sexual Harassment at the Workplace
Almost 85% of employees have experienced sexual harassment at work. In this English lesson, we are going to learn the importance of this epidemic and how to prevent it from happening to us. Also, we are going to have a look at some legal tool that might be...

On-the-job training v/s Trained for the job
To promote or not, that is the question. This English lesson, we are going to learn the advantages and disadvantages of hiring new personnel versus promoting an employee from our own company. Also, we are going to have a look at the different skills for each...

Bossing Around
Aggressive or assertive. Which one are you? In this English lesson, we are going to define each one. Also, we are going to have a look at how each one can affect our lives and how to learn to differentiate one from another, especially in a work environment.

Should Internet Access Be Restricted At The Workplace
The Internet has become one of the most important tools for every company and for our personal lives. But how important is it to have it at work? In this English lesson, we are going to learn the benefits and disadvantages of having internet access at work...

Exercise 5
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 2 of Module 2. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Peer Pressure In the Workplace
Remember those times when you were at school and lost a bet with some friend and they forced you to fulfil it. In this English lesson, we are going to learn what is peer pressure and how it affects many lives in the workplace. Also, we are going to study the...

Pros and Cons of Workers' Unions
Labor unions might be a good idea, but what if they become a bad business? In this English lesson, we are going to focus on how these groups were born and how they can be beneficial for employees and negative for companies and vice versa. Furthermore, we are...

I get paid for this
Jobs in our society are the main option to be economically independent. We get paid to resolve the task that many companies need. In this English lesson, we are going to have a look at some jobs that are considered to be exotic and not very popular among the...

Memos And Circulars
You know about those messages and sometimes you get from different departments at your company. Well, in this English lesson we are going to learn how to write them. We will have a look at the structure of a memo and circulars, also we are going to learn the...

Animals on the Job
Animals are a gift of nature. Since the beginning, humans have domesticated animals to work for them for specific tasks. In this English lesson we are going to have a look at the different types of work-related task that animals have become in handy to...

Exercise 6
If you invent something, does it have to be useful or not? In this English lesson, we are going to see different examples of inventions that were created to be useful and useless. So grab a chair, relax and learn about the unlimited world of creativeness.
Module 3 (Scientific Developments)

Quirky Inventions
This topic will cover : Genius and Useful vs Genius and Useless, Glimpse of Some Quirky Inventions and Exercises.

More Figures of Speech for Interesting Conversations - Part I
There are times when you want to express your ideas even better than how you do it right now. In this English lesson, you are going to learn that. Figures of Speech will give you the key to become the most interesting person in the whole world. Be sure to...

More Figures of Speech for Interesting Conversations - Part II
There are times when you want to express your ideas even better than how you do it right now. In this English lesson, you are going to learn that. Figures of Speech will give you the key to become the most interesting person in the whole world. Be sure to...

Organ Transplants
Organ transplants can save lives. In this English lesson, we are going to immerse ourselves into the world of organ transplants, we are going to discuss the importance of this procedure, its advantages, ethical complications and how it can also become a...

From Nasty To Nice
Remember when you were not supposed to go outside by yourself in the forest because you might get hurt or bitten by an animal or insect? In this English lesson, we are going to learn about some “nasty” animals and how their poison can be converted into a...

Next Gen Inventions
With the progress of human creativity, we have experienced a golden age of an amazing technological era. In this English lesson, we are going to have a look at some inventions that have changed the world completely, especially our lives and the lives of...

Exercise 7
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 1 of Module 3. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Using Narrative Tenses For Anecdotes
Remember when you learned about -ING and -ED. Well, in this English lesson we are going to take those and make them help us tell stories. Using the correct narrative tense will help us to expand our way of expressing past actions and improve our social skills.

Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla, not to be confused with the company. In this English lesson, we are going to learn about one of the most amazing scientists that have ever lived. We will have a look at many of his inventions, ideology and his personal life. Be prepared for an...

Bad Science
We all know about many of the experiments that scientist does to discover or create something new. However, what will happen if they created something horrific. In this English lesson, we will have a look at some of the ethical problems that scientist might...

Lost in Translation
We live in a globalized world and also in an era where we have got in touch with many cultures from all over the world without the need of travelling to a specific place. In this English lesson, we are going to learn some examples of words that don’t...

If you are afraid of robots taking over the world, then we recommend you to take a look at this lesson. In this English lesson, we are going to learn the meaning of robotics and how it has been a beneficial thing for our society. Also, we will have a...

Exercise 8
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 2 of Module 3. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Would you like to be immortal? Or would you like to wake up in the future? In this English lesson, we are going to learn about cryonics and how it can benefit our society in the future. Also, the implications and problems that we might have and how it can be...

How Will Travel Be Different in the Future?
Flying cars and living under the sea. While the second one might seem less possible nowadays, the first one is not so far away. In this English lesson, we are going to learn how we might be able to travel from one place to another at very high speeds. The...

Use Of Microchips
Those tiny little things that make your computer or smartphone work are amazing. We don’t know how they work but they are amazing. In this English lesson, we are going to have a look at how microchips work and how important they have become, not only for...

Noisy Universe
What appears to be a serene, calm and awe-inspiring sky to a stargazer is actually extremely noisy with a cacophony of vibrations arising every now and then in different parts of the cosmos. In this English topic, you will learn about the Universe and the...

Nature vs Scientific Development
Which one is more important, scientific developments or nature developments? In this English lesson, we will have a look at the benefits of each and their disadvantages. Furthermore, we will ask the question: is it worth it? And we will try to answer it the...

Exercise 9
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 3 of Module 3. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...
Module 4 (Technology & Communication)

Technology: Evolution and Innovation
Have you ever wondered how technology has become what we know about it today? In this English lesson, we are going to learn about the evolution of technology, how it has overcome time and how technology has become one of the main tools for humans.

Storage and Cloud Technology
In this English lesson, we are going to learn about the different types of technological devices that work to provide data storage. As well, we are going to learn about the differences between keeping everything in the cloud versus keeping all your precious...

Game On!
In this English lesson, we are going to learn about gaming and the importance of it when it comes to an educational purpose. We will have a look at educational examples for kids, teenagers and adults, and also how this technology has helped many schools...

Data Security
In this English lesson we are going to have a look at the different risk that exists in the online world. We will discuss about the importance of keeping our information secure when browsing the web and we will also look at some examples of technology that...

Technology Through The Generations
During this English lesson we are going to show you several topics from which you can choose from in order to write an essay. It’s all about technology and education, music and smartwatches so choose wisely, practice written English and have fun!

Exercise 10
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 1 of Module 4. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Smart Homes Of The Future
In this English lesson we are going to move into a smart home. With technology advancing so fast, now our homes have become smart. We are going to learn how a smart home works, what are the benefits of having a smart home and what are the advantages and...

Artificial Intelligence
In this English lesson we are going to have a look at the real meaning of artificial intelligence, its goals, as well as its benefits and risk. Is it a good technology or evil? Will it end the world as we know it or society? All this questions will be...

Back To The Future
In this English lesson we will have a look at one of the most important question of all time: can we travel through time? Also, we will check some TV shows as well as movies and books that have choose this topic and see how far are they from reality.

Technology Fails
In this English lesson we are going to learn about some interesting artefacts created that have become fails throughout history. Also, we will see some examples about it and how it can be beneficial not to commit the same mistakes by learning of some else’s...

Citizen Of Space!
In this English lesson we are going to see the possibilities of traveling and living in space as well as another planet nearby ours. Also, we are going to explore the different possibilities of this and what the future has to say about this type of technology.

Exercise 11
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 2 of Module 4. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Modes Of Communication
In this English lesson we are going to have a look at various types of existing communication in our era. We will go from normal interpersonal communication to virtual and internet model of communication. Also, we will explore the different benefits of each...

Idioms And Phrases-Part III
In this English lesson we are going to learn some more idioms and phrases that are very common in the English language. Such as: You’ve got to be kidding me or over my dead body, and also, burn your bridges. We will have exercises about this and we will...

Importance Of Interpersonal Communication
In this English lesson we are going to learn about the importance of intercommunication nowadays. We will discuss about the problems that technology has created when connecting people. Real connection. Also, we will have a look at the benefits and...

Digital Etiquette
In this English lesson we are going to learn about good manners online. We will discuss about digital etiquette and how it can affect your conduct and perception in the online community. Also, you will learn about different types of vocabulary for each...

In this English lesson we are going to learn about common vocabulary used in social networks. Also, we will have a look at some of the essential functions of each platform and how we, as individuals, can take advantages of that using specific vocabulary and...

Exercise 12
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 3 of Module 4. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...
Module 5 (Business)

Business in the new age
In this English lesson, you will learn about the evolution of business and its behaviour in the new age. Also, we will have a look at the reasons for change and why is important to do so, and finally, we will have a look about the external and internal...

In this English lesson, we will learn about the definition of a startup and the real meaning of it. Not just from a literal perspective but also from an entrepreneurial point of view. The phases that a person has to carry on with, the effort and the reason...

Job descriptions
In this English lesson we will have a look at the different definitions of a job description and why is important to know them. Also, we will see some examples of each type and the benefits of writing a job description if you want to hire the right employee...

Office slang
In this English lesson, we will have a look at the vocabulary used in an office. This doesn’t mean it will be all about formal vocabulary, as we will learn some informal phrases and slangs that people used when communication in an office or the workplace.

Types of Bosses
In this English lesson, we will learn about the different bosses that you may encounter throughout your career life. Also, we are going to advice you what you should do in case you encounter one of these types and also, if you are the boss, how not to be one...

Exercise 13
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 1 of Module 5. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

In this English lesson we will have a look at E-commerce. We are going to learn about the importance of it in our technological era and how it has changed the way we do business nowadays. Also, we are going to read a few examples of successful e-commerce’s...

The rise of the online
In this English lesson we will discuss how the internet has become what it is today. Why it has been an important tool for everyone and how businesses have taking advantage of this. Also, we will learn about the future of the internet and how commerce might...

In this English lesson we will have a look at your biggest motivation. We will discuss about the meaning of motivation, why is important to be motivated and why not so many people find motivation at their workplace or personal life. Also, we are going to...

Business groups
In this English lesson we will learn about the different types of business groups that exists. We will start with a role play where you are going to learn about the definition of each type, their advantages, biggest differences and disadvantages.

Need of MBE's (Management by Experience)
In this English lesson we will have a look at the meaning of the word manager and what is consider to be a good manager from the point of view of a company. Also, why is important to hire a manager that has experience and how the lack of it may affect (not...

Exercise 14
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 2 of Module 5. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Philanthropy in business
In this English lesson we are going to look at different types of philanthropy that exists within the business world. Also, we will discuss a couple of case studies to learn about the benefits and disadvantages of this practice and what other companies are...

Hostile Takeover
In this English lesson we will learn the difference between a merger and a hostile takeover. We will see how a hostile might produce uncomfortable situations in the business world, however we will also discuss if these types of hostile takeovers are actually...

In this English lesson we are going to learn about the different services and loans that are provided in different developing countries. Also, we will discuss about the key role of microfinance in these types of economies and how they usually can benefit...

Mergers and Acquisitions
In this English lesson we will learn about the different types of stages that exists when a company is about to merge to another one. Furthermore, we are going to have a look at the risk that could make these types of fusions fails and some examples of...

Culture sensitivity in a global setup
In this English lesson we will learn about the importance of becoming sensitive towards the cultural globalization that we are living in nowadays. We will see that, in a more globalize world, the more empathetic we become the better it will be in order to...

Exercise 15
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 3 of Module 5. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...
Module 6 (Global Environment)

Waste Disposal
In this English lesson we will learn about the impact of waste and recycling. We will see the different types of waste that exists and we will discuss about one in specific which is E-waste. Also, we are going to learn about the benefits and disadvantages of...

In this English lesson we will learn how deforestation is destroying our world. As well, we are going to learn how human greed is becoming normalize and how it’s making a negative impact for present and future generations. Furthermore, we are going to look...

Endangered species
In this English lesson, we are going to learn about some of the different species that we, as humans, have put in danger of extinction. Also, we will see how this phenomenon is affecting our world, what we can do to prevent it and how we can help to save as...

Environmental Documentary
In this English lesson, we are going to explore a documentary which is based on the lives of wolves and how they are helping changing rivers. We will travel to Yellowstone National Park and see how has happened since the disappearing of wolves seventy years...

Environmental impact of the choice of food
In this English lesson, we will learn about the impact that the world is experiencing with the production of food, packaging and procurement. We will discuss the impact of food choices in different communities, how they can erase a whole ecosystem and what we...

Exercise 16
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 1 of Module 6. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Genetically Modified crops
In this English lesson, we will learn about the genetically modified organism that is becoming more and more normal in our present days. We will discuss if this is actually a healthy manner for ourselves, the ethical problems and what the government is doing...

Environmental Organisations
In this English lesson, we will learn about the different organizations that exist and how they are helping save the environment against criminals and illegal actions. Also, we will have a look at some case studies that will compare what some organizations...

Environmental Laws
In this English lesson, we are going to learn about the laws that exist in our society that will protect the environments. With many illegal actions that are taking advantage of the environment, laws have been created to protect it, not only at the benefit of...

Famous documentaries and narrators in Environmental Science
In this English lesson, we will learn have a look at some of the most famous world documentaries that focus on Environmental Science. Also, we will have a look at some famous narrators that have made these documentaries a success in our society.

The 3 R's(Reduce,Reuse,Recycle)
In this English lesson, we are going to learn about the benefits and disadvantages of different types of recycling processes. Also, we will have a look at the different waste hierarchy that exists and how we can recycle and help the world a little bit.

Exercise 17
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 2 of Module 6. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Debt and Natural Disasters
In this English lesson, we are going to learn about natural disasters and how a country can go bankrupt after they have happened. Also, we will see what governments are doing to prevent and rebuild faster after a natural disaster and what we can do to help...

Eugenie Clark - The Shark lady
In this English lesson, we will teach you about the life of one of the most famous shark lovers that have helped to stop demonize sharks in society. We will discuss Eugenie Clark’s life and how her idea changed the way we look at shark nowadays.

Water,Water Everywhere And Not A Drop To Drink
In this English lesson, we are going to learn about the importance of water. How the lack of it is going to affect our world, why there are cities without water access and what we can do to prevent the pollution of water in our areas. Also, we are going to...

Save that bug
In this English lesson, we will teach you how insects are a crucial part of our lives and how important they are to promote balance in our lives. Even if we don’t like most of them, we will learn that they are significant and without them, we might not be...

In this English lesson, we are going to learn about the origin of your clothes. Are companies evil? Is slavery still a normal practice? These are some of the questions that we will try to answer in this topic. Also, we will discuss some solutions towards this...

Exercise 18
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 3 of Module 6. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...
Module 7 (World Economy)

Types of Market Structures
In this English lesson, we are going to learn about the different market structures that exist. We will see the definition of each type, the benefits and disadvantages as well, and if you are planning to open your own business, which type will result best for...

Black market or Shadow Economy
In this English lesson, we will learn about the opposite side of the business, the black market. We will see some examples of illegal business actions that actually are making a positive impact, as well as negative, in some lower economies and how corruption...

In this English lesson, we will learn about the meaning of consumerism, how it has changed the world and why many people cannot quit buying stuff. Furthermore, we are going to discuss the possibility of quitting this addictive track and what companies are...

China as a Global Leader
In this English lesson, we will have a look at the importance of China in the global economy. We will see how China is making a run to earn the number one place as the major economy, why other economies cannot compete with this county and how it will impact...

Socialism & contemporary Socialist ideologies.
In this English lesson, we will discuss the ideologist that helped socialism proliferate in our society. We are going to have a look at part of the history and what countries that prioritize this type of administration and ideology. Also, we will see the...

Exercise 19
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 1 of Module 7. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Industrial Revolution and its contribution to the World Economy.
The first industrial revolution happened over two hundred years ago and here we are in our fourth industrial revolution. In this English lesson we will discuss about the different industrial revolutions, how they have impacted and changes the world, economics...

Economic history of the world
The economic history of the world is something that not many people knows about it. In this English lesson we will discuss about the history of economics, how it has evolved since the bronze age, some of the causes of important transformation and what is...

Economic disparity between men and women
We live in an economic inequality world. In this English lesson we will also have a look at the current situation between gender pay gap, why this problem has been a problem for decades and what different companies are doing to combat the gap in their...

We are going to explore if importing goods from one country to another at lower prices is a legal activity. In this English lesson we will also have a look at the different advantages and disadvantages of dumping and how each country can apply its’ own laws...

Economic meltdowns in the last 50 years
Wall Street, Latin America, Euro Zone and others have been some of the areas that have been hit with an important economic meltdown. In this English lesson, we will discuss the reasons for these problems and what have been the negatives impact, not only for...

Exercise 20
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 2 of Module 7. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Green Economy - Concept and Governing Body
If we could participate in a type of economy that does not make a negative impact in nature or the environment, will you participate? In this English lesson we will learn about the characteristics of a green economy, why do we need to have a green economy and...

Passive Voice
Bingo is played in Britain or the trees were blown down by the wind. In this English lesson, we will revisit the usages of passive voice, how it can differ from active voice and in which cases we can use it. Also, we will do some exercises to practice the...

If fair trade means to buy and sell products at fair prices, does it mean that everything can be fair trade? In this English lesson, we will discuss the importance of fair trade, how some companies have taken advantages of this activity and how true...

Indigenous goods in an international market
When we go to the market we can see many indigenous goods made from local materials and people. In this English lesson, we will learn about the main attributes of an economic indigenous system, how this business model has helped many communities and how it...

Economic Thought
Economic can influence our own lives, but not only that also it can influence the world. In this English lesson, we will learn about the importance of junctures throughout history why is vital for our everyday lives. Also, we will discuss the different phases...

Exercise 21
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 3 of Module 7. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...
Module 8 (Medical)

Medical Devices
Any medical instrument that we see tends to be a bit scary, however, in this English lesson we are going to learn about different devices that doctors and hospitals use to save lives. Also, we are going to discuss why these machines are very expensive and how...

Overlap between medicine and literature
There are many books about medicine out there. In this English lesson, we are going to learn about some famous doctors that have written famous books about medicine. Also, we are going to discuss why medicine is good training for writing fiction and how...

Medical Jargon
Like we saw previously, the use of a specific language in a specific area is a very natural thing. In this English lesson we are going to learn some jargon that is used in the medical department, what is the meaning of those words and how to use them in case...

Cutting-Edge Technology in medicine
State of the art technology is very easy to find nowadays, but also very expensive. In this English lesson we are going to discuss this type of technology and how is helping medicine in order to prevent many diseases from happening. Also, we will see if this...

With the help of technology, the introduction and creation of new types of medicine have risen quickly. In this English lesson we will learn about different types of medications, how some medications have caused addition and we will discuss a case study based...

Exercise 22
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 1 of Module 8. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Are medical websites like WebMD and others actually helpful?
Have you ever used any medical website for self-diagnosis? 'Are medical websites like WebMD and others actually helpful' is an English topic about medical websites and the perils of self-diagnosis. It also highlights the job of internet doctors and the...

Role play: A doctor and a hypochondriac patient.
Roleplay: A doctor and a hypochondriac patient' is an English topic that includes a conversation between a medical practitioner and his patients. Dr. Jim first meets Bob and then Jane. Make a note of the terms used and the medical conditions mentioned in the...

Experimental Medicine
Experimental Medicine' is an English topic on the practice of testing medicines on patients. It describes clinical trials, its phases, and the risks involved. It also highlights the advantages of Experimental Medicine. Share your views on the topic and...

Traditional Alternative Medicine
Traditional Alternative Medicine, as the name indicates, is an English topic on the different forms of medicines prevalent in cultures around the world. These medicines have roots in the ancient history of particular countries. The topic explains different...

Medicine on T.V.
Medicine on T.V.' is an English topic on the most popular medical shows on television. These shows have garnered rave reviews and enjoy a massive fan following. Learn about these interesting shows and share your views on the subject. Also, complete three...

Exercise 23
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 2 of Module 8. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

In the Emergency Room
In the Emergency Room' is an English topic about a dialogue between two patients. Two elderly patients are engaged in a conversation about their health. They discuss the reason for being admitted in an emergency room. Observe the conversation between Chris...

Corruption In Medicine
This English topic focuses on a serious issue - corruption in the healthcare sector. The amount of money spent every year on health services is massive and thus a target for illegal practices. Learn and discuss the types of corruption in this industry and...

Folk Medicine
Have you ever heard the term 'Folk Medicine'? This English topic highlights the history of folk medicine with its advantages and disadvantages. Folk medicine is the traditional medicine used in different parts of the world. Along with its history and used,...

Industry Support
'Industry Support' is an English topic about ancillary services and health professionals. Learn about the three categories of ancillary services and understand the difference between these and primary health care providers. Share your views on the subject and...

Scientific branches of medicine
'Scientific branches of medicine' is an English topic about specialisations in the field of medicine and a sub-speciality in a narrow field within a speciality. It highlights the advantages and disadvantages of specialisations. Also, learn about the different...

Exercise 24
English Exercise 24 is based on your understanding of the last five topics - In the Emergency Room, Corruption In Medicine, Folk Medicine, Industry Support, and Scientific branches of medicine. The questions are meant to test your listening, reading, writing,...
Module 9 (Trade)

Barter system
Have you ever traded goods in return for other goods? This English topic sheds light on the oldest form of conducting business - barter system. The topic highlights the types of barter systems, the advantages, and limitations of bartering. Learn new...

Freight On Board
Freight On Board' is an English topic on trade terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce. These terms are used to make international trade easier and help traders from different parts of the world. Discuss these terms and share your views on...

Export Import
Export-Import', as the name indicates, is an English topic on the two aspects of the trading world. It talks about the impact of export and import. It also shed light on trade agreements, the use of the internet in this field, and international trading.

Restrictions on trade
Restrictions on Trade' is an English topic on the constraints concerning the trading world. It highlights the types of trade restrictions and arguments in this matter. The topic also mentions the case in favor of such restrictions as well as against these....

Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property Rights' is an English topic on creations of mindlike inventions, literary works, artistic creations, designs, symbols, etc. It highlights the importance of patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc. The topic explains the different forms of...

Exercise 25
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 1 of Module 9. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

International Organisations for facilitating Trade
International Organisations for facilitating Trade' is an English topic on the prominent organizations of the trading world. The importance of these organizations cannot be undermined as these help members enjoy enormous economic benefits and uphold the...

Trade in Tourism
Trade-in Tourism' is an English topic highlighting the economic importance of the travel and tourism industry. It also explains the significance of trade shows and cites an example of the Dubai Shopping Festival. Share your views on the topic and attempt...

Offshoring and Outsourcing
Offshoring and outsourcing are common terms in today's global business world. This English topic highlights the reasons for outsourcing and offshoring. It also talks about the advantages and disadvantages of these. Also, take a look at the differences between...

Trade sanctions
Trade sanctions' is an English topic on the trade penalties imposed by one country on another. Such sanctions can be for one or more countries, and the reasons for this may vary. The topic explains why and when a sanction is needed. It also lists out the...

Trade It
Trade It' is an English topic that includes an engaging role play about a trading incident. Observe the conversation between Jim and Bob about a new mobile phone and make a note of the terms used. The topic also explains the usage of vague expressions with...

Exercise 26
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 2 of Module 9. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Top 10 economies best setup for trade
This English topic lists out the ten countries in the world with the best economic setups. The countries listed here are renowned for proving the best environment for the growth of various businesses. The topic explains the key points that make these nations...

Influx of Chinese goods in the market
Influx of Chinese goods in the market' is an English topic on the might of Chinese companies and the varieties of products made in the country. It traces the beginning of this phenomenon and how China emerged as a global power. The topic also points out why...

World Bank
This English topic focuses on the World Bank and its goals. It lists out the different institutions and members of the World Bank. The topic also highlights the controversies surrounding the World Bank with a conclusion to the points discussed. Share your...

This English topic highlights a significant legal right - Copyright. The topic highlights the importance of copyright and explains its violation. It also discusses its limitations and expectations. Also, learn about the Berne Convention and the Moral Rights...

Illegal trade and it's impact
Illegal trade and its impact' is an English topic that highlights the different types of wrongdoings in the trading world and its impacts. It discusses issues like animal trade, alcohol smuggling, human trafficking, arms, and illegal logging. These are grave...

Exercise 27
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 3 of Module 9. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...
Module 10 (Legal & Technical)

This topic introduces the world of royalties and explains its different types. It also describes a license agreement and its importance. Make a note of different terms used throughout the topic and complete two exercises related to the subject discussed.

Law at work
Law at work' is an English topic on employment laws. It describes the term 'Equal Pay Act' and explains the different types of leaves in an organization. Learn about several employment policies and the importance of employment laws. Discuss the points and...

Private Practice or Public Service
Private Practice or Public Service' is an English topic about the two types of organizations - public and private. These two sectors include various companies and services. Learn about the advantages of the two sectors and make a note of the terms used in the...

Hostility towards the legal profession
Hostility towards the legal profession' explains the profession of a lawyer and their history. It also sheds light on the judicial system and discusses the reasons for hostility towards the legal profession. Make a note of the terms used and complete two...

Apple v/s Samsung case
Apple v/s Samsung case' is an English topic on the much-publicized legal battle between the two manufacturers of smartphones. Learn the history behind the legal tussle and the reasons for the case. Make a note of different terms, the timeline in the case, and...

Exercise 28
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 1 of Module 10. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

Pro bono-not just for lawyers
Pro bono-not just for lawyers' is an English topic that focuses on the professionals who offer legal services. it explains the term 'pro bono' and cites examples of corporate pro bono work. Make a note of the vocabulary used and complete the given exercises.

Lawyers without Borders
Lawyers without Borders' is an English topic on a charitable and non-profit organization by the same name. This topic explains the work of the organization and mentions the people who work for it. It also describes the student divisions and the selection and...

Traditional Knowledge under Law
Traditional Knowledge under Law' is an English topic about intellectual property rights and traditional knowledge. It highlights the types of intellectual properties and presents arguments in favor of and against the use of traditional forms. It also explains...

Underage' is an English topic that highlights the age limits for various facets of life. Different countries have different laws concerning the age limit for driving, marriage, drinking alcohol, and punishment for a crime. Make a note of the terms used, share...

High Profile Cases
High Profile Cases, as the name suggests, is an English topic on some of the most controversial and high profile legal cases witnessed by the world. The four cases listed here belong to different parts of the globe, however, garnered worldwide media coverage....

Exercise 29
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 2 of Module 10. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...

The legality of Gambling
The legality of Gambling' is an English topic on gambling, its history, legal aspects, and the reasons some feel it should be considered illegal. It describes various types of gambling and related terms. Make a note of the terms used, share your views on the...

Strange laws
Strange laws' is an English topic about some of the weirdest laws practised in different parts of the world. Share your views on these and describe the strangest laws you have known. The topic also includes two topics to test your narrative and sentence...

Animal Law
Animal Law' is an English topic that highlights the struggle for survival. The topic explains the term 'Law of the Jungle' and the phrase 'Survival of the fittest'. It also explains the phrases like 'Kill or be Killed', 'Dog Eat Dog', etc. Make a note of the...

Law on screen
Law on-screen' is an English topic that describes the role of cinema in portraying the legal system and its working. Films have played a great role in highlighting various aspects of society, including law and its application. Discover some of the choicest...

Human Rights
This English topic describes the importance of human rights in the world. It talks about the responsibility to protect human rights and what does human rights cover. It also highlights the violations of these rights. Share your views on this critical subject...

Exercise 30
This exercise is a combination of all the previous five lessons of Part 3 of Module 10. It has been carefully drawn up to help you practice your English - Reading, Listening and Writing abilities. It is always better to revise the topics before booking the...
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